Monday, January 4, 2010

dating 101 for the single parent

ya know its funny as i sit here and write this new blog which im sure no one will really read let alone acknowledge i sit here and think about all of the dating rules do's and dont's, for the single mom or dad that is raising kid (s) alone.
   Its not easy to juggle working a full time job, raising a teenage son, (not to mention, cleaning house, making dinner and doing  laundry.) but to also find some kind of time to date and have a social life, and attempt to find love or something like it.
  Living in Hernando Co. Fl. there are not alot of good men to choose from, but then again where is the right place to have your pick of the litter?  So living here for as long as I have I guess I have had to make the most of it, and not to mention attempting to date out side of this county.
    I was married at 20 to the first person that i ever had sex with, and 11 months later i had a baby boy, when I was married, I felt like a single mom at the time, he wouldnt lift a finger to help out with anything, in regards to my son, so for reasons only known to the two of us we were divorce after about 2 years of marriage. I have no regrets after all I have a great son that is my life and my world.
      Soon after I started to hang out with my girlfriends at bars and what not just having fun like any normal 21 year old would, but all the time in the back of my mind i would feel guilty about leaving my son at home with my parents.
    Being a divorced woman wasnt so bad at the time, men didnt seem to mind that i had been married they just chalked it up to experience, lessons learned if you will, but man oh man as soon as they heard that I had a toddler at home, wow talk about a huge change in attitude lol.
     Some men ran, some stayed and continued to talk, just to be nice i guess, and there were a very small select few that actually wanted to take me out on a date.
    Well after 2 divorces the first one at 22 and the second one at about 25, i have managed to stay single since the last failed marriage..... oh and a word to the wise never meet someone in a bar and think that its going to be a lasting real relationship, trust me it does not work out and sometimes it does not end well either.
   Well now I am the dreaded 36, getting pretty dam close to the BIG 40, and I am still playing this dating game.... seriously i thought as men and women got older they stopped playing the ridiculous mind games, and stopped being so petty about looks and apperances.... but i am always willing to admit that i am wrong and i am admitting it now lol.
    Ok so now ill tell you what to look for, and all of the do's and dont's.... your in for one heckuva ride lol

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